MFU applauds USDA efforts to increase competition in ag market

MFU applauds USDA efforts to increase competition in ag market

Montana Farmers Union applauds the United States Department of Agriculture announcement this week about a series of actions in support of a fair and competitive agriculture market.

“We appreciate the efforts of the Biden administration to increase more fairness in the marketplace for farmers and consumers. Holding the corporate monopolies accountable and more transparency in the marketplace are critical to creating a fair market. Increasing investments in local food production and processing helps create a more resilient and healthier food supply chain,” MFU President Walter Schweitzer said.

The USDA’s announcement included a new framework for improving research access to seed germplasm that helps to guarantee that seed choices are driven by innovation and the demands of sustainability. 

The findings of a USDA interim report on competition in the meat retail industry also were released, further illustrating a concerning level of consolidation that makes it increasingly difficult for family farmers and ranchers to compete.

Additionally, the USDA announced efforts to enhance price discovery in cattle markets and enforce the Packers & Stockyards Act.


The USDA’s actions are warranted to create a more level playing field in the face of industry consolidation that means roughly 80 percent of meat processing capacity is controlled by four large meat packers, Schweitzer said.

“MFU looks forward to the continued pressure on big business to be more transparent and forcing them to stop taking advantage of farmers and consumers,” he said.

Click here to read the full USDA announcement. 

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