20 Jan Engagement with MFU worth your time
By John Ferrat, MFU District 1 Board Member
Late fall and into the new year is convention season. With the plethora of annual meetings, it can seem a little overwhelming to attend what feels important and still give the ranch and cattle their due attention. After working on policy committee, a process that truly is definitive of Montana Farmers Union’s grassroots membership, I attended MFU convention in Whitefish this year and was honored by being elected as your District 1 Director. MFU’s policy not only gives us a road map of priorities we advocate for, but it also is a testament to our members that they are supported in their way of life and the endeavors of the family farm or ranch.
Another annual forum that I make a priority is the United States Cattlemen’s Association, which led me to travel to San Antonio, Texas, in early December. Like MFU, I am drawn to be a part of USCA because of a grassroots, solution-based approach to policy and advocating for family agriculture. A group of cattlemen and women from across the country and diverse operations and backgrounds gathered to enjoy camaraderie and hear from industry experts and leaders, which helps us to work on policy and determine a direction for the coming year. A major and unified concern is the recent implementation of mandatory electronic animal ID. Back at home I continue to advocate for my industry by staying involved with programing through MSU Extension Service and reaching youth as a 4-H project leader for the market and breeding beef participants, in addition to serving as an FFA Alumni and supporters.
While being involved in farm and ranch organizations takes time, your engagement makes a difference that’s worth the time away from your day-to-day work. The upcoming Legislative Session provides multiple opportunities to get involved. During the Session, we can be involved by testifying on bills in person or via Zoom and calling your representative to let them know what is important to you and your success in our great state.
Advocate for family farms and ranches by helping grow our membership in MFU. Tell a friend or neighbor that you are a member and why. The member benefits are pretty easy to justify (the discount on a couple pairs of britches, or an auto policy can offset membership dues), and where else can you get legislative presence, programming, advocacy and support for $50?
Thanks for your trust, and I look forward to working with the membership as I continue my journey with MFU.
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