Far Out & Waiting prepares rural residents for medical emergencies

Far Out & Waiting prepares rural residents for medical emergencies

A new workshop series hosted by Montana Farmers Union is helping rural residents know what to do until Emergency Medical Services are able to arrive during emergencies.

Several Far Out & Waiting workshops have been offered in partnership with local EMS crews so far in Eastern and Central Montana with more planned in the coming months. The workshops are part of MFU’s grassroots education efforts to help rural communities thrive and are in line with the organization’s policy advocating for access to quality health care in rural Montana.

“The response has been wonderful. In Winifred and Winnett there were more than 30 people who attended. Each participant left having learned a lifesaving skill,” MFU Membership Ambassador Mary Jenni said. “The EMTs presenting the material are appreciative because everything that can be done until they arrive increases the chance of a good outcome.”

Many farmers and ranchers live and work in the remotest places and they are at high risk of injuries. According to the CDC, agriculture ranks among the most hazardous industries and is one of the few industries in which family members are also at risk for fatal and nonfatal injuries. Far Out & Waiting workshops feature local EMS personnel and hands-on learning about bleeding control, falls, stroke/diabetic emergency, seizure, allergic reaction, cardiac arrest, and other health emergencies.

The workshops have met with positive feedback in the Central Montana and Eastern Montana communities where they have been held so far.

“What folks do while they’re waiting, including communicating effectively with dispatch and EMTs, can make life changing differences in outcome,” MFU member Laurie Lohrer said after attending a Far Out & Waiting workshop.

“I personally thought the workshop was a great refresher and also a great update on new ideas, tools, and thoughts on how to approach a medical emergency,” MFU member Emma Wickens said. “We live way out, so this workshop was really helpful in many ways.”

The workshops will continue to be held around the state, with an upcoming workshop already scheduled from 6-8:30 p.m., Sept. 24, at the Community Center in Denton. Dinner will be provided by Montana Farmers Union.

To learn more about this and other educational programming available through MFU, visit www.montanafarmersunion.com.

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