Candidates file for MFU leadership positions

Candidates file for MFU leadership positions

Candidates for several MFU leadership positions have officially filed.

Candidates appearing on the ballot are: 

  • Vice President, 2-year term: Rollie Schlepp (Conrad) and Erik Somerfeld (Power)
  • Board District 1, 3-year term: John Ferrat (Toston)
  • Board District 3, 3-year term: Sarah Degn (Sidney)
  • Board District 3 & 4 At Large, 3-year term: April Martin (Busby)
  • Conductor, 1-year term: John Wicks (Ledger)
  • Doorkeeper, 1-year term: Carah Ronan (Laurel)

Mail ballots are available and must be requested no later than Sept. 18, with completed ballots postmarked by Oct. 11 or delivered in person during Convention before voting begins. Members who have voted in at least one Montana Farmers Union election within the previous five years or attended at least one MFU sponsored event or County meeting in the year prior to the election can request mail ballots. Request mail ballots from the state office at or 1-800-234-4071.  

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