SB 509 – Provide for Montana Right to Repair Agricultural Equipment

SB 509: Provide for Montana Right to Repair Agricultural Equipmen

Sponsored By Senator Willis Curdy

SB 509 would provide Montana farmers, ranchers, and independent mechanics access to the tools and software needed to fully repair their own equipment.

  • Equipment manufacturers refuse access or charge exorbitant prices for software and tools needed to make repairs.
  • Delay in service from an authorized technician when repair is needed could cost a producer their crop. 
  • Montana law allows you to choose where you repair your car. Why not agricultural equipment?
  • Supports independent repair shops in rural communities who can provide timely services to area farmers and ranchers.
  • A 2018 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by a large Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) claimed they would provide the right to repair by 2021. They broke their promise. Other MOUs, again, claims the right to repair (by only ONE equipment manufacturer) but, is not legally binding. Farmers still don’t have the right to repair. 
  • The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the attorneys general of Minnesota and Illinois have filed a lawsuit against John Deere & Co., alleging the company’s repair restrictions violate competition laws.
  • National Farmers Union sent a letter to the EPA asserting that EPA rules and regulations require manufacturers to provide the tools needed to maintain and repair the emissions of our equipment. The head of the EPA, Michael Regan, affirmed NFU’s assertion.


Montana Deserves the Right to Repair

Email, Call, or Comment Online 

  • Email members of the committee and ask them to support or not support the specific bill.
  • Call (406) 444-4800 to reach the Information Desk to leave a message to the appointed committee and ask them to support or not support the specific bill.
  • Comment online by setting up a public participation account here to submit a comment online or send a message letting the committee know your concerns with the bill and ask them to support or not support the specific bill.

Thank you for Supporting Family Farmers, Ranchers and Our Rural Communities