SB 246 Provide for Montana First Procurement Laws & Establish Reporting Requirements

SB 246: Provide for Montana First Procurement Laws & Establish Reporting Requirements

The bill was heard in the House State Admin Committee on Wednesday, March 19.

Reach out to the committee today that you support the bill and that we need the numbers of local food procurement by our state contracts to determine how we can better support Montana family farmers and ranchers accessing those markets.

 About the Bill

SB 246 is a great starting place to gain an understanding of where we are at with using Montana taxpayer dollars for procurement of our large state institutional contracts. (Think food for the state hospital, Department of Corrections, University systems, etc) and how much of that is local Montana food so farmers and ranchers understand better how to market to and serve institutions in Montana with the great food being raised in our state.


This bill just adds a reporting requirement of the dollar amounts of these procurement contracts that are Montana produced food to the extent the vendor is able to, the state on procurement contracts at 100,000 or more how much of the contract is Montana-produced food.


We believe that there are opportunities for Montana farmers and ranchers to market more products locally and regionally in our state. These opportunities can be realized for the producers and others in the state through real cooperation. The state has significant buying power when it comes to our larger institutional contracts.


SB 246 provides an opportunity for the state and agricultural producers to have the data and knowledge of where we are at with local food procurement at the state level for these large procurement contracts.

Montana Farmers and Ranchers are looking for more markets to sell good local food — let’s get some data to know how where we are at with procuring Montana food at the state level.

SB 246 Provide for Montana First Procurement Laws & Establish Reporting Requirements

Email, Call, or Comment Online

  • Email members of the committee and ask them to support or not support the specific bill.
  • Call (406) 444-4800 to reach the Information Desk to leave a message to the appointed committee and ask them to support or not support the specific bill.
  • Comment online by setting up a public participation account here to submit a comment online or send a message letting the committee know your concerns with the bill and ask them to support or not support the specific bill.